Katyayani Quinex, produced by Katyayani, is a potent insecticide designed to shield your crops from a diverse array of pests. It harnesses the power of Quinalphos 25% EC as its active component.
Composition: Katyayani Quinex is a potent insecticide containing Quinalphos 25% EC as its active ingredient.
Target Crops: Specifically formulated for crops such as Cotton, Paddy, Oilseeds, and Plantation Crops.
Target Pests: Effectively controls a wide range of pests including cardamom thrips, yellow stem borer of paddy, mealy bug, brown plant hopper, green leaf hopper, corn rootworms, and various other insects.
- Enhances overall plant growth and resilience.
- Its enduring efficacy renders it a financially prudent choice for pest management.
- Contributes to ensuring healthier and more plentiful harvests.
- Provides protection against both external and internal pest threats to plants.
- Exhibits efficacy against a variety of insect pests that pose a threat to crops.
- Dosage: 2ml per liter of water or 400 ml per acre
- Application: Foliar Spray
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