Katyayani Suspension Atrazine 50% WP Herbicide
For control of Trianthema mongyna, Digitaria arvensis, Echinochloa spp. Eleusine spp., Xanthium strumarium, Brachiaria sp, Digitaria sp., Amaranthus viridies, Cleome viscosa, Polygonum sp. In Maize. Portulaca oleracea, Digitaria sp., Boerhavia diffusa, Euphorbia sp., Tribulus Terrestris in Sugarcane crop
Atrazine functions by binding to the plastoquinone-binding protein in photosystem II, which animals lack. Plant death results from starvation and oxidative damage caused by a breakdown in the electron transport process.
Knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer with flat fan or flood jet nozzle.
It is selective and systemic herbicide of Chloro-Triazine group. It works by inhibiting photosynthesis by binding with the DI protein site at photosystem II. It also inhibits the enzymatic activity in the targeted weeds. Lack of the photosynthesis results the death of treated plants.
Dosage:- 500 Gm per acre.
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