Katyayani BIO NPK consortia is a unique microbial formulation of multiple bacteria which are able to synthesize macro nutrients –
atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphorus and mobilize potassium into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to the
crops Naturally.It helps to increase the crop yield and improves the soil health by enhancing the nutrient content .
Katyayani BIO NPK consortia is a powerful liquid solution with Recommended CFU ( 5 x 10^8 ) thus powerful liquid Solution and better
Shelf life then other Powder & Liquid forms of Bio- NPk consortium in the market.Recommended For Organic Farming by NPOP &
Gardening.It is recommended input for Organic Plantations for Export Purposes
It is used for all crops and Increase utilization of atmospheric nitrogen Solubilizes the unavailable form of phosphorus and make it available
to the plants. Mobilize the fix and left potassium in the soil and make it available to the plants. It will increases plant drought tolerance under
drought condition. it Improve physical and chemical properties of soil and improves the nutrient and water holding capacity. Reduces
disease infestation up to some extent.
Katyayani BIO NPK consortia is a Completely Eco-friendly Chemical Free bio fertilizer and 100% Organic Solution. It is a cost effective bio
fertiliser Best for Domestic Purposes like home garden Kitchen Terrace Garden , Nursery & Agriculture is a natural replacement
to Chemical NPK fertilizers.
Dosage :We can apply it with Drip irrigation : 1.5 – 2 Litre Solution / Acre can be applied with 200 Litre of water.Detailed Instructions are
given along with the product.
Katyayani ( BIO NPK consortia) is a microbial formulation of selective strains of multiple bacteria which are able to synthesize / assimilate
atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphorus and mobilize potassium into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to the crops. It
converts non-available forms of some complex bonded micro nutrients into available form.MODE OF ACTION :Azotobacter Spp. in this
formulation increase nitrogen uptake, produce plant growth hormones (IAA, GA), vitamins enhancement in uptake NO3, NH4, H2PO4, K and Fe.
Azospirillum is an associative micro aerobic nitrogen fixer. This bacterium induces the plant foods to secrete and mucilage which aerates the low
oxygen environment and helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen. PSB possess the activity to solubilize the Phosphorus by secreting organic acids
(Gluconic acid, formic acid, Glutamic acid, Lactic acid, Citrate, Malic acid) lower soil pH and turns unavailable forms of soil phosphate to available
form. KMB to mobilize potash available in soil of the plant activates the numerous enzyme system involved in formation of organic substances and
protein compounds and shelf life of perishable fruits & vegetables.
shreya –
THE PRODUCT IS VERY GOOD quality nice packing
Aarav –
nice product good packing
Avyaan –
the product is very good thanks katyayani